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Thursday, November 4, 2010

How to share files with your HomeGroup in Windows 7

Want to share a file or specific directory with your HomeGroup? By default, Windows 7 share documents, photos, videos and music libraries, but if you need to share a specific directory on the computer with a HomeGroup will have to do it manually. Follow the instructions below for information about how to share files and directories with your HomeGroup in Windows 7. If you have comments or questions, please use the form at the end of the article reviews.

Note: in sharing files with a HomeGroup, you need to have created a HomeGroup or joined a HomeGroup.

Software/hardware used: Windows 7 Ultimate.

1. Locate the file or directory that you want to share with the HomeGroup.

2. Right Click on the file or directory.

3. Click on share with.

4. Click HomeGroup (read) or (modified) HomeGroup.

The difference between the two options is whether or not the HomeGroup users can edit files or no.Para be sure that you might want to read access and allow read/write for specific files to the requieran.Con this menu you can also share files with certain people, but this is out of the reach of HomeGroup will be covered in a future article.

Alternatively you can use the menu bar in your browser to share files and folders.

A. click on the file or folder you want to share.

B. click on the button of share with in the menu bar.

C. click HomeGroup (read) or (modified) HomeGroup.

In any case, Windows asks if you are sure you want to share the selected items.

5. Click Yes, share items to continue.

If you want to stop sharing a file or folder simply repeat the above steps, and then click nobody from the share list.

The HomeGroup or individuals specified will now have access to files that you just shared.


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