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Saturday, September 11, 2010

HTC launch Windows phone 7 on Sep15?

Movement of this invitation is creating major doubts in the minds of everyone's. read that HTC has in store for us this September 15.

The above image is the HTC invitation for members of the press about their launch a new being held in London on 15 September. The teasing image has a phone hidden in the smoke.Curiously, we're request will be launching device Windows phone 7 more attendu.Mais an intuition said might be little early for the phone Windows 7 yet.

Probably, it can also be the version of the new Android (really sure step) device.For your information, HTC devices has kept up to date are the desire, HD, Vanguard/vision, Mozart, Schubert and glacier.Toutefois taking into account image and up” “dreamt set, after small uncertainty here is what might be the launch of the HTC (recently called G1 Blaze) vision .but we really cannot pass a conclusion because of Fame HTC's repeat themes of design in the phone book.

Keep guessing hard on what HTC have on cards for us.


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