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Windows Security Suite is a fake antivirus installed on your computer, and then a series of false alarms are displayed to try to get you to buy the program "upgraded". It may seem legitimate, the fact is that it is actually one of the most annoying and infectious virus which is available in system types. You should not rely on this program and certainly not to buy it here is how to get rid of it for good...
This generally installs in these folders on your computer:
* c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data5d567
* c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data5d567\WINSSSys
* c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\WINSSSys
* %UserProfile%\Application userdata\windows security suite
Unfortunately, although this may seem a legitimate program is the industry experts call a virus "malware" (malicious software). This type of infection works by installing a false application on your computer and then try to steal your personal information or do you buy a fake update program. It is essential to get rid of this program from your computer for good - which can be complicated by taking into account the various components that has.
Needs a lot of people know this, but Windows Security software suite will be not only installed a false application - normally be 10-20 other programs in the Windows folder to attempt to steal personal information that you have on your system. Try to remove the software from your computer, you must cancel all infected your system, which is something that can usually only be achieved with an automatic & professional removal tool programs.
Get rid of the rest of the Windows Firewall is using an "anti-malware" search on your computer program and get rid of infected programs and codes of this virus is positioned over it. The best tool to eliminate the potential infections is a so-called XoftSpy, which was produced by a company called logical software Pareto. This program is used by millions of people worldwide for reliability and is effective to get rid of potential problems on your computer. You must download on your system, install it and then leave to find files and folders which has its own system. Delete all infected items, it is necessary that your computer will be then takes much easier and faster.
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Saturday, September 4, 2010
Repair Windows Security Suite - how to get rid of Windows Security Suite from your PC.
Windows Security Suite is a fake antivirus installed on your computer, and then a series of false alarms are displayed to try to get you to buy the program "upgraded". It may seem legitimate, the fact is that it is actually one of the most annoying and infectious virus which is available in system types. You should not rely on this program and certainly not to buy it here is how to get rid of it for good...
This generally installs in these folders on your computer:
* c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data5d567
* c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data5d567\WINSSSys
* c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\WINSSSys
* %UserProfile%\Application userdata\windows security suite
Unfortunately, although this may seem a legitimate program is the industry experts call a virus "malware" (malicious software). This type of infection works by installing a false application on your computer and then try to steal your personal information or do you buy a fake update program. It is essential to get rid of this program from your computer for good - which can be complicated by taking into account the various components that has.
Needs a lot of people know this, but Windows Security software suite will be not only installed a false application - normally be 10-20 other programs in the Windows folder to attempt to steal personal information that you have on your system. Try to remove the software from your computer, you must cancel all infected your system, which is something that can usually only be achieved with an automatic & professional removal tool programs.
Get rid of the rest of the Windows Firewall is using an "anti-malware" search on your computer program and get rid of infected programs and codes of this virus is positioned over it. The best tool to eliminate the potential infections is a so-called XoftSpy, which was produced by a company called logical software Pareto. This program is used by millions of people worldwide for reliability and is effective to get rid of potential problems on your computer. You must download on your system, install it and then leave to find files and folders which has its own system. Delete all infected items, it is necessary that your computer will be then takes much easier and faster.
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