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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Set port forwarding

Transfer port, often called .tunnelling. is the transfer from a perimeter network to the other network port. This is typically done on a NAT (network address translation) enabled, router or server and another computer on the LAN. The main objective of the use of port forwarding is for hosts outside of your local network that doesn.t have their own public IP address access to some services running on computers on your local network.

Port forwarding is easy to configure a router from the management interface allows easy setup. In some cases this functionality easy configuration may be a problem since most routers cannot provide a complex customization for port forwarding and other services. In this case, a Linux box can do the job. With Linux, port forwarding is configured by adding with a target DNAT PREROUTING chain and target SNAT iptable Rules POSTROUTING chain. After making iptables will use existing masquerading table rewriting packages so that they will reach the host you want in concordance with port forwarding rules that you have provided.This is similar to OS X and BSD, but ipfw is most cases utilisé.Dans, ipfw is already compiled with the kernel.

With transfer port you can use a router to connect to the Internet and also run a web server or FTP server on a computer on your network. Using port forwarding you can ask the router to forward information coming on a specific port net as (80 for the web server) or 21 for FTP server to a host on the LAN.This means that if the external host trying to the public of the router IP HTTP request will be sent to known to process this request box.use network machine doing in a transparent manner, which means that the network client is not aware of the fact that it accesses a machine found somewhere on the local network. Application of these methods are widely used in corporate environments and small home networks.

With devices more and more in home that need to be connected to internet or to another router became a popular device worldwide. In such situations port forwarding is used to allow access on the network for applications that require access to a specific port, such as games or multimedia streaming software.eaming port forwarding you can use a router to connect to the Internet and also run a web server or FTP server on a computer on your network. Using port forwarding you can ask the router to forward information coming on a specific port net as (80 for the web server) or 21 for FTP server to a host on the LAN. This means that if an external host trying to make an HTTP request to the public IP of the router has, it will be sent to the known machine to process this request on the local network.To do this in a transparent manner, which means that network client is not aware that it accesses a machine found somewhere network local.Les applications of these methods are widely used in corporate environments and small home networks. With devices more and more in home that need to be connected to internet or to another router became a popular device worldwide.In such situations port forwarding is used to allow access on the network applications that require access to a specific port, such as games or multimedia streaming software.

Transfers are possible with major networks.Do this when packets before a router or server to another router or server which transmit to the host to gérer.Ces methods are rarely used in small home networks, but may become useful in larger networks or connected to the Internet.

Port forwarding can be more secure alternative methods as a DMZ (demilitarized zone) .When you use DMZ ports on your computer are transferred, so you are no longer really behind firewall port .Transfert ensures safety by only allowing access to the ports that you specifically select.


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